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With each camera we provide our own Controller remote control app.
It is already installed to the included Huawei MediaPad M6, 8" tablet with LTE.
With it you can operate the camera by WIFI.

Online Recording Management

Additionally you can put the camera online to connect it to our Online Recording Management service. All it needs is a SIM card with a data plan.
With it your Recording Manger can  can see the cameras position in real time at his PC in your office. The Controller apps screen is shared and it even can be operated remotely.

Additionally you can ave the Controller download background maps and even aerial images to visualize your recording track and aid the navigation.




All our programs are available for evaluation for two weeks.
Free of charge.

Please register and log in for the free downloads.

Please notice your camera needs a firmware update for the new Controller app to work.
All 2020 cameras already have the new firmware and the new Controller app.
For previous cameras you get the new firmware together with the Controller app when purchasing the Controller app.